Friday, September 23, 2005

Written Out Of Despair

it's been a long time since the last i held you close to me..
things ain't the same now..
life has been so different since you've walked away..
it's never this cold..
it's never this weary..
it's never this tiresome..
back then, every morning is something to be excited about
because i knew its another new day to celebrate for having you..

now, i don't even know how the daylight looks like..
all i have is darkness..deafening silence..
there's no passing moment i failed to think about you..
about the way we once were..the way we used to be..
i want to often as i can..

its darn painful, but even though you left, i keep on loving you more..
the only problem is..i don't know how to show it anymore..
or if you would even let me again..
we've been through a lot, and we were able to make it through..
why would you leave me now?

would you ever come back?
would you possibly love me again?

life is supposed to be easier without you..
but why is it that i'm bleeding this hard?
why would i rather want to be with you and suffer?
yes, life would be hard i know, but its better
if we're together again..

i love you so much..i always do..
it has never been less..
in time, if you ever want to come back.
i'll be standing here.. on the same ground

Thoughts of Moving On

This is an article I found online. its not a personal contruction, I just loved the thought so I borrowed it.. Kudos to whoever wrote this.. :)

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO FORGET SOMEONE YOU LOVE. WHAT YOU NEED TO LEARN IS HOW TO ACCEPT THE VERDICT OF REALITY WITHOUT BEING BITTER OR SORRY FOR YOURSELF. YOU WOULD BE BETTER OFF GIVING THAT THE DEDICATION AND LOVE TO SOMEONE MORE DESERVING". Don't let your heart run your life, be sensible and let your mind speak for itself. Listen not only to your feelings but to reason as well. Always remember that if you lose someone today, it means that someone better is coming tomorrow. "IF YOU LOSE LOVE, THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT YOU HAVE FAILED IN LOVE. CRY IF YOU HAVE TO, BUT MAKE SURE THAT TEARS WASH AWAY THE HURT AND THE BITTERNESS THAT THE PAST LEFT YOU WITH. "THERE IS NO FUTURE IN A RELATIONSHIP OF LIES AND SELFISHNESS". It's true, there is life in love. But, there can still be life even after losing love if you LEAVE the past behind and let your heart HEAL and give you the chance to FIND yourself again.

Love makes us see things through rose-colored glasses. Most of the time,we fail to recognize the danger sign that light up along our way. This feeling you have nurtured for so long isn't healthy anymore. You must realize that you have to let go now before it consumes you and your sanity. There is always a time to think and stop. A time to be sensible and not allow our hearts to rule over our heads. "YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY NOT IN THE ARMS OF A MAN WHO KEEPS YOU WAITING BUT IN THE ARMS OF SOMEONE WHO WILL TAKE YOU NOW AND LOVE YOU FOREVER." If loving a person who is attached to someone else is a crime, then maybe, many of us would have been jailed long before we realize what its consequences could have been.

When we love someone, we never easily give up on that person. Even if we get hurt badly we always try to find a way to ease the pain and learn to understand and forgive. Loving too much doesn't hurt. It is when we expect this love to be reciprocated that we begin to seek approval and acceptance of the things we have done and when we are taken for granted and rejected, we curse the very same love that we once freely and happily offered.